How to resolve a CME prosecution
Tips and tricks for getting to sentencing quickly
Resolving CME prosecutions is more of an art than a science. Nathan Speir has spent the last decade resolving numerous prosecutions for regulators across Aotearoa, getting to sentencing via the most efficient route and doing so in a principled way. Nathan looks forward to sharing tips and tricks and best practices with the ECC audience.
Principled plea discussions and negotiations have significant value for the administration of Aotearoa's criminal justice system. The Solicitor-General's Prosecution Guidelines endorses prosecutors engaging in such discussions and getting to sentencing by the most direct route has huge benefits for all involved:
Less time.
Less money.
Less risk.
More control.
Deterrent outcomes.
Resolving a prosecution isn't straight forward and there are a variety of ways for 'getting to yes'.
Nathan looks forward to sharing his experiences and providing a comprehensive and interactive 'how to' for compliance officers looking to achieve efficient CME outcomes in 2024.
Wednesday 27th Nov
2:10pm - 2:40pm
Click here to download the full programme
Nathan Speir
Founder and Director, Speir Limited
Nathan Speir has spent the last decade prosecuting environmental offending on behalf of councils across New Zealand. He is the founder and director of Speir Limited, a specialist local government litigation and advisory firm and is a passionate member of the local government community.