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Breakout Session 


Who Supports Compliance Officers?


Frontline compliance officers often work in confrontational and high-stress environments. The way private consultants obtain consents, observe, and manage projects during construction significantly impacts the efficiency and successful implementation of local authority compliance programs.

The construction environment involves a mix of resource consent and monitoring conditions, consultants, civil contractors, compliance officers and property developers. Each group has different drivers, contractual obligations, and requirements, which sometimes align well and other times conflict. These differing perspectives can lead to tension. With increasing weather challenges and construction on more marginal land, the roles of frontline compliance officers are becoming increasingly difficult and confrontational. 

Consultants play a crucial role in reducing stress in this environment and ensuring that all parties achieve the desired outcomes.

This presentation will focus on how consultants can support frontline compliance officers, using specific examples from recent subdivision developments in Canterbury. These examples highlight various compliance issues arising from weather events, inadequate consent conditions, and poor site management during construction, and how they have been managed—both successfully and unsuccessfully.

The goal is to demonstrate that, irrespective of the regulatory systems and compliance programs, all stakeholders aim to create a cooperative and low-stress environment. Given the different drivers of each stakeholder, consultants play a crucial role in ensuring this environment fosters productivity, satisfaction, and well-being for everyone involved, particularly frontline compliance officers.


Wednesday 27th Nov
12:05pm - 12:35pm


Russell Benge
Director (Surveyor/Planner, Davis Ogilvie & Partners Ltd.


Russell is a director at Davis Ogilvie and Partners Ltd, a multi-disciplinary consultancy firm operating in the South Island.  He has a Bachelor of Surveying degree from Otago University, a Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science from Lincoln University, and holds the 'Making Good Decisions' certification.

Russell manages land development projects of varying sizes and leads project teams of engineers, surveyors, and planners, delivering land development projects across the South Island. 


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